Request a Quote

Your Local Agent is Your Best Resource To Help You Save Smarter

According to recent data, there are over 5,000 automobile1 insurance companies in the United States and more than 3,500 providing property insurance2. With so many options to choose from, researching for proper coverage and price comparing can become overwhelming and time consuming. Unless you’re versed in the field of insurance, it’s hard to determine what coverage you need vs. what you don’t require, and what riders are worth adding based on your lifestyle and valuables.

Whether you’ve just purchased a new home, investment property, automobile or recreation vehicle, your local insurance agent is a great resource to finding coverage you need and discounts you qualify for – and it’s easier and faster than you think!

To get started with a fast, free quote from Sunmark Insurance Services, there’s only a few basic pieces information you’ll need to provide.


Driver Information

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Driver’s License Number

Vehicle Information

  • Make
  • Model
  • Year
  • Name of person(s) on the registration and title


  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Home Address

Once started, we may chat with you further to determine if there are any other factors to consider, ensuring that your insurance is tailored to your specific needs and that you receive all the discounts you’re eligible for. For example, should you have Comprehensive and/or Collision coverage on your vehicle? Is Flood Insurance, Building Code, or Personal Property coverage applicable to your situation? But don’t worry - our experienced, knowledgeable, local team will explain any additional coverage options that are suitable to you, and search for any scenarios or multi-policy discounts that can help save you money.

We’re here to help! Get started with a free quote:


Have any questions? Call us at 518.783.1010 or email

1Simchuk, Delaney. (2022 August 4).,Farm%2C%20AAA%2C%20and%20Allstate.


2 IBIS World,increase%20of%200.2%25%20from%202022.